35 of 210 lots
Oil Paintings - Pinturas Óleo
€80 - €150
Live Auction
Auction 362 – July Live 2024
Description: - 2 original oil paintings on canvas, by recognised artist Pierre Bertschi (1941) Presented here a harbour scene with fishing boats, and a large building of apartments with colourful plants decorating the balconies. Signed to the lower left corners, mounted and framed in matching simple wooden frames. Condition : Used, a little surface dirt & spotting to the back of one canvas, overall fair/good. Dim : 77cm x 64cm & 64cm x 53cm
Descrição: - 3 poltronas de vime, estruturas robustas e costas arqueadas. Do criador Lambert. Estado: Usado, sinais de uso, bom geral. Dim: 90cm (A) x 55cm (L)